How to break a bad habit? (And replace it with a good one?)

A Habit is what helps you going, so choose them wisely!

We’re all chained to habits we want to break free from, you may also be tired of your customary pep-talks- I will hit the bed earlier. I will quit smoking. I’m refusing that drink this time. And before you know it, you’re already in a loop of failed resolutions. We feel overwhelmed and defeated because we know better and still can’t seem to resist. 

Why do we keep doing these? And most importantly is there a way to break free from them?

I certainly do not have all the answers, but I believe I can help you kickstart the journey.

So, keep reading…

You’re probably ashamed of that extra glass of wine or a bar of chocolate you promised not to get your hands on. But whatever it is, hold your head up because, remember that we all have our own share of bad habits. We find ourselves repeatedly doing something we don’t want to do but it’s totally cool!

What are Bad Habits?

Habits are formed when new behaviors become automatic and are performed with minimum conscious or awareness. This is because the pattern in our behavior gets stamped onto our neural pathways.

The more you repeat it the less you think about it- that is, the more likely you respond the same way over and over again.

But this can also be problematic because research shows an individual can get seasoned to a new habit in 66days. And habits are supposed to be efficiencies. Therefore, higher the efficiency lesser the consciousness. 

So, you reach for something sweet every time you finish a meal or stare at your phone for an hour before rolling out of bed. This is why bad habits stick on for a longer period- The cue to a habit!

What causes bad habits?

These habit loops lie low in everyone; however, science suggests that you’re more likely to develop a bad habit if you’re heavy on negative emotions.

Ever wondered why people catch a smoke while they’re stressed or even drink beer drenched in tears? This cue to facilitate certain activities while you’re emotionally drained can be the loop you’re stuck in!

Being aware of the grounds and emotional cues that triggers your habitual behaviors can be the right start to a journey to break free from your flawed weaknesses!

Finding a reason to change your patterns

Before you attempt to change a habit, it’s essential to identify the reason you want to change for. So, you have the motivation and a reminder to refer back to during the lowest points of your journey. 

After that you want to figure out your triggers. Now this requires some detective work. Ask yourself the reasons to your bad habit urge, it differs from person to person but be on the lookout, you may catch yourself!

Now comes the hardest part- denial or modifications of your habitual loops. It may be difficult but start slow and never give up.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, just move along the easiest paths open to you.

How to break a bad habit?

Now this is what you came for:

  1. Choose a substitute

         You may want to plan ahead of time of how you would respond to a trigger. When Netflix sends you a new suggestion (example: read a page or two of your favorite books.)  or when you’re offered a drink, you find difficult to deny (example: go fancy and get yourself a mocktail.) 

Whatever may stimulate your cue to commit the habit you’re working against, you should always have your stopgap ready.

  1. Your sidekick

        We as responsive human beings enjoy victories in crowds and defeat in isolation. Well sedate your pride and get yourself a partner to pump-up your efforts may it be your friend, spouse or even a coach. Pair-up with someone, celebrate or quit together. Knowing that someone expects a better outcome from you is one of the best sources of motivation you can ever ask for!

  1. Visualize success

       What tastes sweeter than glory?

See yourself in the green aisle getting kale for healthy smoothies, throwing away your cigarette cartons or even running a mile with a smiley face. Visualize crushing your most hated habit and walking past it freely, build a stronger you!

  1. Just be the old you!

       Often, we feel the need to be a new person to break free from bad habits but the truth is you just have to return to your old self. It is very unlikely you had these weaknesses all your life. You don’t transfer yourself to a healthy individual you just have to stop being unhealthy. You don’t have to quit drinking; just try to be the non-drinker you previously were. Rediscover yourself…

  1. New people

       Surround yourself with people who live the way you’re envisioning. You don’t have to ditch your old friends, just don’t stop finding new perspective ones.

And now what?

If you’re ready to take the first step of recovering, I’d suggest you to start with awareness.

It is easier to blame yourself and spend hours wishing it were different but the key to progress is action. And if you think you require guidance, connect with us!You’d be surprised at how much you can do with the right supervision

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